GEMESYS Technologies
Information Processing Inspired by Nature

- Neuromorphic Computing
- 2023
- Dr.-Ing. Dennis Michaelis, Dr.-Ing. Enver Solan, Moritz Schmidt
- 9 - Industry, Innovation & Infrastructure
GEMESYS is building a computer that functions like the human brain. Through this paradigm shift, the team not only increases computing power, but also reduces energy consumption.
What are the advantages of a start-up?
The question can be answered on two different levels.
Level 1 is the legal level. As soon as a limited liability company is established, the founder can hire employees, conclude contracts and operate as a legal entity through this company. The partnership agreement clearly regulates ownership and contingencies, which brings security and clarity to the founders. In addition, this form of company protects the founders, as they (normally) are not liable with their own assets or as individuals in case of difficulties.
Level 2 is the personal level. By founding a company, you allow yourself maximum flexibility. All of a sudden you are the boss and only accountable to yourself, your co-founders and, if applicable, investors. You are in the unique situation to create something yourself and to shape the society in which you live with your own ideas and concepts, to pursue your own vision and to realize yourself.
What were the main hurdles in the start-up process?
There were a few: recruiting additional employees for the project, getting to know potential partners or customers, pitching the idea, the positioning on the market and so on. From the very beginning, we decided for ourselves to live a pronounced culture of mistakes, which is unfortunately quite unusual in Germany. To do this, we have to think about what might work and then try it out quickly. Based on the feedback, we then evaluate whether we can keep the strategy or need to adapt it. Since none of us have any start-up experience, this is a suitable way for us to find our way in this fast-moving world.
Do you have any tips for your fellow founders?
If you think you have a good idea, test it in front of people who have experience with startups and accept constructive feedback. Friends and family will tell you how great your idea is. But you need people who will point out where you need to make improvements: whether it's in the presentation, the business model or the market analysis. And it is very important to believe in yourself, to learn continuously and to simply dare to take that step. The learning curve is so steep that you will rarely regret it.
- EXIST-Forschungstransfer Förderung Phase 1
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