Learning entrepreneurship

“Entrepreneurship Education” teaches entrepreneurial skills

What are the hallmarks of successful entrepreneurs? Which skills do they need? And how can these knowledge, skills and personality traits be nurtured and assessed? The WORLDFACTORY’s “Entrepreneurship Education” team focuses on these questions, because entrepreneurship is a science in itself that needs to be researched, taught and learned.

The Ruhr area is known for its integration of industry, university and transfer activities. Transfer is important at the RUB and complements the university's pillars of research and teaching. Entrepreneurship Education at RUB plays a key role in fostering innovation, supporting the local start-up ecosystem and preparing students for success in dynamic and competitive markets. Entrepreneurship Education at RUB is science-based, interdisciplinary and practice-oriented. This approach prepares students for the challenges and opportunities of the real world and enables them to apply their knowledge and skills in a variety of contexts.

Study program entrepreneurship

Our objectives:

  • raising entrepreneurial awareness of RUB students and graduates
  • developing an entrepreneurial network among academics
  • fostering more interdisciplinarity within teams in entrepreneurship modules

Our current activities include:

  • developing a range of study programs in the field of entrepreneurship and start-ups and making them creditable
  • developing demand-based, modular further education programmes in the field of start-ups
  • developing entrepreneurial study partnerships and offers within the framework of UNIC and UARuhr
  • supporting entrepreneurs and start-ups in existing further education formats with scholarships from the RUB Academy


The Business Model Design Lab

With the Business Model Design Lab (BMDL), the Chair of Entrepreneurship and Innovative Business Models offers students the opportunity to design a business model in collaboration with a regional start-up or a planned RUB spin-off. The students work closely with the founders (e.g. from the WORLDFACTORY incubators) to gain insights into the dynamics of the start-up process. Based on this concept, the chair offers 3 modules: Technology Management (B.Sc.), Start-up creation (B.Sc.), Seminar Business Model Innovation (M.Sc.) and Technology Entrepreneurship (B.Sc & M.Sc.).

You can find more information here.


Developing competencies with the "Entrepreneurship" certificate

What do you need to start a business or change it from the inside? Soft skills such as flexibility and the ability to work in a team are important, but so are tangible skills such as financial planning and mobilising resources. You can develop and prove these and other skills with the “Entrepreneurship” certificate.

This certificate is awarded by the Centre for Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Transformation (CEIT) and the RUB Elective Courses for Bachelor Students in cooperation with the Education Team. It is aimed at Bachelor students RUB.

Read more here.


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Contact the “Entrepreneurship Education” team

Any questions? The interdisciplinary team from Entrepreneurship Education is happy to help.

Portrait Prof. Dr. Stefanie Bröring
Prof. Dr. Stefanie Bröring

Academic Director WORLDFACTORY & Chair of Entrepreneurship and Innovative Business Models

Portrait Vivian Peuker-Steinhäuser
Vivian Peuker-Steinhäuser

Coordinator Entrepreneurship Education

Portrait male
Dr. Simon Ohlert

Coordinator Entrepreneurship Education